Friday, October 12, 2012

Life of simplicity

Be it simplicity in your thoughts, actions, needs, you solve many a problems.
Being Vegetarian
Being Devout
Being Human
Being Happy
Being Pleasant
Being un-selfish
Being un-competitive
Being a teetotaller
That's all I can remember, but if you try you can be probably simple in anything that is, maybe or there!

A fever of few degrees

In the past week three people randomly asked me if I ever plan to do an MBA. Of the three times, the first time I said No, the second time I expressed my opinion and analysed it loudly on why I do not want do an MBA and the third time I announced an alternative I was most likely to choose.

I want to study again to be a student
I want to learn again to be a dissident
I want to live again without an accident
I know most know/feel/think it is impudent
I am probably improvident
I fully know that I may not be a transcendent
But too many 'I's' to begin with would make 'U's' and 'They's' think I am over-confident
But in the confines it does not create a dent
(Definitely not doing a word list here!)

Last among the many humans was the one with hunger to learn, who learnt enough to channelize it and create a course called MBA, make it a commodity, he certified and thus you are an MBA as thou may be engineers.

This argument does not hold if you were a doctor, scientist or of the arts among others, because learning from experiences and mistakes are worth their matter(weight?) in gold.

If MBA or engineering degrees have case studies etc. which they most definitely do have nowadays, they surely teach you things quickly, effectively and efficiently at an application level very much like the other professions giving you a strong reason to do an MBA.

I personally respect an MBA as one will have an newer opportunities (role, earning, learning, knowledge and skills etc.), but to 'live' in this word and learn, 'do' what you want and earn money(fast or eventually), 'gather' knowledge, 'develop' one's personality and skills are all accepted in action during the course of ones life as much as they are accepted in the English language with the action verbs within the apostrophes mentioned above.

I will only conclude by saying love, live and be happy, healthy and wealthy. Also, last but not the least your satisfaction is the key, you could be a monk, beggar, politician or a business man/woman and be happier or as happy as you imagine your self to be after an MBA.